I haven't published anything on-line since October. I write from time to time but don't finish it. I think I got tired of writing about the mess of my life. But today I thought, "screw it", and decided to let my thoughts out again.
After a long day teaching back to back yoga classes this morning, and then meeting with my tax preparer, I took myself out to dinner at Bertucci's and then browsed around Barnes & Noble afterwards. I wanted to see what sort of Yoga Books were kicking around. I saw nothing that wowed me or seemed interesting. Then I looked at the nutrition and cooking books. There were SO many books in that category. So, I just confirmed for myself that there is a place in the World for my very own book on Yoga. Now I just have to write it, and I promise you I will.
But as I do that, I must get my life back in some semblance of order. I've been saying this for how long??? Oh dear. Well, I'm saying it again. While I was at Barnes & Noble, I took pictures of books I wanted to read and reminded myself that it's time to start going to the public library for my reading material. This will save me lots of money, and give me a place to study and maybe even write. But as I was leaving the store I picked up a little book titled "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up". It has apparently made it to the NY Times Bestseller List. It was just a small book and was 30% off, so I indulged myself in this small purchase. At the cash register the clerk says to me, "You are going to love that book. It changed my life". I said "Thank you, I certainly hope it will change mine".
So, now I'm home on my couch on a Saturday night watching television, looking at my new book, eating the best gluten free cookies I've ever found, and writing. I'm always multi-tasking, always trying to do way more than I can ever accomplish, wondering what will help me get through my mess. I'm just too tired tonight to do the work.
I know that I need help, but I no longer can afford to hire people. So, I'm going to start a new life of bartering. I'm excited to be bartering photo organizing in exchange for health coaching/yoga. I hope this first venture into bartering will go well. But I need more.
I haven't been good lately about making to-do lists or writing things down in general. I think it's because I don't want to see/acknowledge the scope of all that I need to do. Or is it the scope of what I WANT to do. What if I made a list and just scratched off half of it. Do I need to do everything??? Why does my mind want to do so freakin much???
Well, here's some of my list:
Find health coaching clients
Create yoga workshops and find places to hold them
Start writing yoga book
Find way to get a website up, along with list building capability, and then create on-line programs.
Begin blogging about yoga, health and aging boomer issues
Start making yoga videos for youtube and my website
Find some way to earn money to pay off credit card debt
Finish B-School
Complete IIN Immersion course over the next 6 months
Organize files and paper work in a way that will support this next stage of my life
Input all recent business cards and contacts on my contact list.
Organize photographs
Finish going through mom & dad's memorabilia
Discard or sell all items no longer necessary for my life
Have my apartment cleaned
Now I have to figure out how to manage my time to do all this!! All help, suggestions, work opportunities, support, love, and cheering me on are welcome. Please leave comments below.